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Back Care & Pilates

"Pilates is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace, and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, in the way you play, and in the way you work" - Joseph Pilates

The Pilates method, dramatically changes the way your body looks, feels and performs by helping to build strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on lengthening and aligning the spine, rather than on building muscle mass.

The program focuses on the abdominal and lower back, region which is considered the body’s “powerhouse” as a result Pilates is popular in the field of fitness and rehabilitation. Pilates is effective in the alleviation, treatment and prevention of back pain, most muscular-skeletal problems and injuries can be corrected with Pilates.

Furthermore, Pilates can be used to progress individuals through the movements that represent their daily activities.

Pilates Based Rehabilitation can benefit those with:

  1. Chronic Neck and Back Pain

  2. Sciatica

  3. Shoulder impingement and tendonitis

  4. Performance and Sports Injuries

  5. Muscle Strains

  6. Pilates is a safe, controlled system which also makes it suitable for those in rehabilitation following an accident.

  7. Pilates will help you to look and feel your best.  No matter your age, condition, it will work for you.

I had a pathological hate of exercise for over 35 years.  Leandra has managed to make me believe in and enjoy her training sessions.

David Hurd (55) Company Director