07870 643526


website coming spring 2009

About meAbout_me.html
Back Care & PilatesBack_Care_%26_Pilates.html

I have known Leandra since I had treatment from my Chiropractor for chronic back pain and acute sciatica in 2007.  Following successful treatment, he suggested that it would be helpful for me to follow it up with regular rehab under the guidance of his trained therapist. I have attended weekly since then and find that I am free from pain which is wonderful.

Leandra is a joy to be with.  She is totally professional with a thorough knowledge of her subject.  She is hardworking, empathetic and vigilant.  The hour flies by because we  enjoy working out in such a pleasant environment.

I have total faith in her ability to help people to help themselves and am delighted to give this testimonial.

Rosemary Boyle-Wood (71) Retired

Specifically designed for one-to-one training, my fully equipped facility can provide everything necessary to assist you on your way to reaching your targets.

Total privacy can be guaranteed, helping you to feel relaxed, along with complete support and motivation from myself.